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         Witcover, J., Sabotage at Black Tom (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, 1989).
         Wood, С., The Man who killed Kitchener: The Life of Fritz Joubert Duquesne (W Faro, New York, 1932).
         Woodhall, E.T., Spies of the Great War (Millifont Press, London, n.d.) (Вудхолл Э. Разведчики мировой войны. М.: Воениздат НКО СССР, 1938. http://militera.lib.ru/h/woodhalle/index.html ).
         - Detective and Secret Service Days (Jarrolds, London, 1934).
         Woolrych, S.H.С., Recollections of World War I (unpublished manuscript, Intelligence Corps Archives).
         Yardley, H.O., The American Black Chamber (Faber, London, 1931).
         - The Blonde Countess (Faber, London, 1934)
         Younghusband, The Tower of London From Within (Herbert Jenkins, London, 1920). Zuckerman, L., The Rape of Belgium (New York University Press, New York, 2004).

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