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         Anon, 'Colorado Beetle in France', Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture, vol.29, 1923.
         Chantal Antier, 'Espionnage et espionnes de la Grande Guerre', Revue historique des armees, 247 / 2007.
         George Baker, 'The Artless German who dynamited the Vanceboro Bridge', More Real Spies, Nova, New York, 1966.
         De Breze Darnley-Stuart-Stephens, 'Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing' in English Review, March 1916.
         Venita Datta, 'Opium, Gambling and the Demi-Mondaine:The Ullmo Spy Case of 1907', Lecture at 31st Annual Conference of Western Society for French History, California, 2003.
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         Sir James Edmonds, 'How the Army lost its commander in chief, Army Quarterly, July 1938.
         Baron Guido Errante, 'The German Intelligence Service During the World War Г, United States Infantry Journal, Nov-Dec 1933.
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         David French, 'Spy Fever in Great Britain 1900-15', Historical Journal 21 (1978).
         Grant W. Grams 'Karl Respa and German Espionage in Canada during World War One'', Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Fall 2005, vol. 8, issue I.
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         Richard Grenier, 'Colonel Redl: The man behind the screen myth', New York Times, 13 October 1985.
         D.S. Hawker, 'An Outline of the Early History of the Intelligence Corps', Rose & Laurel, no. 27, December 1965.
         Nicholas Hiley, 'Counter-espionage and security in Great Britain during the First World War', English Historical Review, April 1986.
         - 'The Failure of British Espionage against Germany, 1907-1914', The Historical Journal, 26, 4 (1983), pp. 867-89.
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         Anne-Marie Claire Hughes, 'War, Gender and National Mourning: The Significance of the Death and Commemoration of Edith Cavell in Britain', European Review of History, vol. 12, no. 3, November 2005.
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