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"There are several references that can be cited as summarized below in the review article by Fox."
"Hal Fox, "Gravity Waves and Torsion Fields: Faster than Light?," J. New Energy, vol 3, no 2. Proceedings of the INE Symposium, August 14-15, 1998. See the 13 references included in this paper.
Best personal regards, Hal Fox halfox@qwest.net"
Конкретный пытался принимать участие в дискуссиях на западных Интернет-форумах, где он заявлял, что теория Шипова полна ошибок, что Акимов и Шипов - мошенники и т.д.
Вот пример ответа Аркадия Яджика на вопрос Конкретного, согласен ли он с тем, что "книга Шипова содержит ошибки/иллюзии/много чего, что делает многие его утверждения бессмысленными, неподтверждёнными, безосновательными" (Конкретный ссылался на Яджика в письме Шпильману, которое я приводил выше):
"When you ask "you do agree Shipov book contains errors/mistakes/ illusions/whatever which make his numerous claims unreasonable, uncorroborated, and unsubstantiated, don't you?"
my answer is: NO!
I do not agree!
No, let me explain why.
To find out whether the book contains "errors / mistakes / illusions / whatever which make his numerous claims unreasonable, uncorroborated, and unsubstantiated" you must be an expert in the area.
I do not know you as an expert in this area. In fact I do not know what exactly is your area of expertise, because I do not know your publications.
I do not know whether you are a physicist, mathematician, chemist, engineer, politician - all of the above or none of the above.
WEB search for "Alexander Konkretny" brings only your attacks on Shipov - nothing more."
Иными словами, Яджик ясно дал понять Конкретному, что мнение человека с улицы, известного только своими Интернет-нападками на учёных, его не интересует. На это Конкретный отвечает:
"In 1998, RAS has even formed a special commission, consisting of a dozen of RAS Academicians (and that is, as a matter of fact, the most prestigious and honorable scientific title in Russia) the main goal of which was to inform the scientific community that SHIPOV IS A FRAUD. The Chairman of that Commission, RAS Academician Dr. E.P.Kruglyakov have published a number of articles in the main Rissian newspapers so that every dog should know that SHIPOV IS A FRAUD. Nobody in the Russian Academy of Sciences conciders Shipov a serious physicist. If you happen to know someone who does, let me know."
В заключение Конкретный пишет о себе так:
"You want to know who the hell I am? OK, let's say I'm just someone who is telling you the truth BACKING IT UP with references to the papers written by known Russian physicists, elite of Russian science, who says: SHIPOV IS A FRAUD!"
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