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Книги Дэвида Уайза

         The U-2 Affair (1962, with Thomas B. Ross).
         The Invisible Government (1964, with Thomas B. Ross) (на русском языке издана как "Невидимое правительство", Москва, "Воениздат", 1965 г. В электронном виде есть на сайте "Милитера" - http://militera.lib.ru/h/wise_ross/index.html.
         The Espionage Establishment (1967, with Thomas B. Ross).
         The Politics of Lying: Government Deception, Secrecy, and Power (1975).
         The American Police State: The Government Against the People (1978).
         Spectrum (1981).
         The Children's Game (1983, novel).
         The Samarkand Dimension (1987, novel).
         The Spy Who Got Away: The Inside Story of Edward Lee Hоward, the CIA Agent Who Betrayed His Country's Secrets and Escaped to Moscow (1988).
         Molehunt: The Secret Search for Traitors That Shattered the CIA (1992) (на русском языке издана как "Охота на кротов", Москва, "Международные отношения", 1994).
         Nightmover: Hоw Aldrich Ames Sold the CIA to the KGB for $4.6 Million (1995).
         Cassidy's Run: The Secret Spy War over Nerve Gas (2000).
         Spy: The Inside Story of Hоw the FBI's Robert Hanssen Betrayed America (2002).
         Tiger Trap: America's Secret Spy War with China (2011).

         Натали, Амброузу и Бену

         "Нет таких стен, которые полностью преградили бы путь ветру". Из китайского учебника шпионажа.

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