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         Kealey T. 1996. The economic lawes of scientific research New York. MacMillan Press.
         Lewin M. 1985. Taking grain in the making of the soviet system. New York.
         Loftus E.F. 1993. The reality of repressed memories. American Phychologist. 48:518-537.
         Martens L. Another view of Stalin. Antwerp: EPO, 1994, P. 67.
         Nord M., Andrews M. and Carlson, S. 2005. (October) Household Food Security in the United States, 2004. Washington, D.C.: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/errll.
         Nove A. 1992. An economic history of the USSR. 1917-1991, Penguin books.
         Revue francais d'Histoire d'Outre-Mer t. LXI, No 222, pp. 1833.
         Rosenbaum A. S. (ed.) 1996. Is the Holocaust unique? Boulder.
         Schultz T.W. 1964. Transforming traditional agriculture (World food supply). New Haven. Yale University Press.
         Simmel G. 1892. Einleitung in die Moralwissenschafl. C. 419. Цит. по Туган-Барановский М.И. 2003 С. 140.
         Sizov A. "Sverim tsifry" [Lets Compare the Numbers], Kommunist 15 (October 1989). P. 63.

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